Step 1: Exudate levels
Does the wound have low to moderate levels of exudate?
PICO7/7Y/14 is intended for use on wounds where the level of exudate is low to moderate.
Continue to Step 2
Not PICO appropriate
Step 2: Wound size
Does the wound fit under 1 of the PICO sNPWT Dressings?
Continue to Step 3
Not PICO appropriate
Recommendation: Choosing a dressing size that is slightly larger than the wound allows the benefits of negative pressure to extend to the periwound area
Step 3: Wound depth
Note: NPWT requires direct contact with the wound bed. Prior to application, assess the wound to determine depth and if a filler would be required. PICO is appropriate for up to 2cm wound depth and up to 4.5cm wound depth for PICO 7 and PICO 14.
Does the PICO system conform to the wound bed?
Begin application
Step 4: Fillers
Antimicrobial gauze
15cm x 17cm
Note: Gauze should loosely fill to the surface of the wound. Avoid over packing.
Wear instructions:
- At the healthcare professional’s discretion, a PICO dressing may be left in place for up to 7 days, depending on level of exudate
- When a filler is used, the filler and the PICO Dressing should be changed 2 to 3 times a week, according to the local clinical protocol and manufacturer’s instructions
- Foam should be changed at least 3 times per week and gauze at least 2 times per week